Cable Solutions, which began operations in 2007, is a BOI-​registered company and operates out of a two-acre facility in ​Kadawatha.

The company manufactures superior performance cables customized ​to specific applications, catering to high-growth industries such as ​automotive, renewable energy, telecommunications, aerospace and ​others within the electronics supply chain.

The company generates over 95% of its revenue from exports, with key ​clients in the US, European, Indian and Australian markets.

Company Website:

In 2019, Tempest arranged a consortium of investors to ​successfully acquire 75% of Cable Solutions, a company ​specializing in creating bespoke cables, wires and harnesses under ​the ‘kablr’ product range for the international electronics market.

Inve​sted In


St​ake Acquired


Sri Lanka’s largest cable manufacturer, ACL Cables PLC, took a ​lead role in the consortium by acquiring a strategic 51% stake.

The balance was taken up by four financial investors: the ​Hirdaramani Group, Associated Electrical Corporation, Perera & ​Sons and Insite Holdings, while Tempest also acquired a direct ​stake in the company.

Despite the pandemic and subsequent slowdown in the West, the ​company continued to generate revenue growth.

Tempest, working with the management and ACL, introduced ​significant efficiency improvements, along with a strong ​balance sheet and cash flows.

To this end, we focused on improving the company’s financial ​management and planning. The company was listed on the ​Colombo Stock Exchange in 2024 generating a return of almost ​6x the original investment.

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